West End Aberdeen Lake to Koangok Narrows
Distance: 38 km, – [cumulative total 1244 km]
InReach: Day 57 Paddled ~40km on Aberdeen Lk in challenging big wind & big wave conditions Happy to be out of a pitching, rolling canoe & in the tent!
Camp: 64.533°N 98.981°W
Cold grey morning with bitter north wind. A hard days paddle but we made our goal to get through the Koangok Narrows. Saw a white wolf and later a caribou at a distance, both walking along the shore. No luck in the fishing department. The food stores are getting lean, though we are still managing three meals plus snacks, only for a few more days though. The sun made a brief appearance this afternoon but it made little difference because of the freezing wind.

Thunder cell approaching over Aberdeen Lake. In conditions like this we keep close to the shore!

Another camp on goose green just before sunset