Distance 23km [387.5 km] Woke at the usual 6am to a cloudy but still morning, packed and on water by 8am. Good paddle on flat water through a series of islands. We saw two white de Havilland Beavers come into…
Day 15
Distance 41.5 km [364.5 km] Midsummer -Longest Day Woke at 6am to another beautiful day, best of all no wind. We were on the water before 8am, blue sky, warm sun and masses of cirrus clouds – does this mean…
Day 14
Distance 34km [323 km] Reindeer Lake really turned it on, after yesterday battling strong headwinds for 16km we awoke this morning to beautiful blue skies and a zephyr which dropped off to total calm for most of the day and…
Day 13
Distance 16 hard won km [289 km] A difficult day. We were up by 6am and already a moderate headwind was blowing. On the water by 8am and paddled about 7km, reached a section where we were required to paddle…
Day 12
Distance 18 [273 km] Woke up to a beautiful still morning. Took us till almost 8am to catch up on last nights jobs of maps and journal etc. On the water by 8.30am, great paddle the 10 km or so…
Day 11
Distance 27 + 8 km [255 km] Portages 1 Rapids 0 Lining 11 A day of mixed events. On water by 8.30am. The water was like glass giving the illusion of just slipping over the surface of a mirror and…
Day 10
Day 9
Distance [191] Rained and blew all night – it was soon apparent that we were not going anywhere today. Not the best place to camp however it was flat and more importantly sheltered from the raging wind. We were forced…
Day 8
Distance 7 km [191 km] Portages 0 It rained heavily all night and didn’t stop until almost 8am. The camp site was wet and difficult so Kate’s Kitchen changed the breakfast menu to pilot biscuits and coffee in the tent…
Day 7
Distance 33 km [184 km] Portages 2 Rapids 1 Fast Water 0 Up early to an overcast but rain free morning. We were packed and through Kettle Falls portage by 8.30am and that included time for photos of the impressive…