Half Way Hills to Baker Lake
Distance: 54 km – [cumulative total 1458 km]
InReach: Day 64 Reached Baker Lake hot shower 3 course meal heaven tomorrow organize trip home via Winnipeg & Vancouver so looking forward 2 Australia
Camp: Baker Lake Lodge 64.320°N 96.036°W
This may be the last day of our journey but the weather gods are not going to go easy on us. We got up to an intensely cold north west wind and leaden skies however no rain and no bugs so who’s to complain. Our final pack up took longer than usual as we had so much wet gear from yesterdays continual soaking rain. Set out with a good tail wind and great current assistance supplemented by numerous sections of fast water, we got to experience the famous Thelon ‘ride’ all the way to the bend where the Thelon meets Baker Lake. As we rounded the corner into Baker Lake we struck an ever increasing off shore headwind. We struggled against the wind for several hours making little progress and frequently getting out to line along the shore and it was apparent that if we were to arrive before evening something had to give. At my insistence, and against John’s need to struggle to the bitter end we pulled the canoe out of the water at the airport, about two kilometres across from town and John walked up to the airport and rang the folks at Baker Lake Lodge [Boris and Helen] who came out and picked us up. I will always consider we did the wise and sensible thing, John however would have liked to complete the journey entirely unaided.
Once at the Lodge there was the sheer luxury of a long hot shower, a three course meal and a warm spacious room with a chair to sit on and bed off the floor. This is when you fully understand what the true definition of luxury is and we live it on a daily basis. John was unable to eat his meal as he started suffering stomach cramps, he was feeling so ill he went straight to bed and slept soundly for over twelve hours, waking only briefly to let Lorne, who had bought our canoe, know that it had arrived safely. I guess the exhaustion and stress of the past few weeks hit him hard. I was too wired and started the business of unpacking and drying out our gear.

Last lunch and the very last Pilot Biscuit