Harry Lake
Distance: 0.0km, rest day – [cumulative total remains 442.5 km]
InReach: Day 25 Layday Harry Lk Kate read her kindle JR went walking looking at the geology Laundry done despite occasional rain Paddling again tomorrow
Camp: 62.688°N 108.910°W
A wild and stormy night but despite it we slept the sleep of exhaustion. Woke to grey skies and more rain and the showers continued for the rest of the morning. John used the time to work out a conservative notional itinerary for Baker Lake via the Hanbury River, possibly forty plus days from here. I spent the morning reading. I have been enjoying Mark Colvin’s “Light and Shadow: Memoirs of a Spy’s Son”. It finally cleared after lunch so John went walking and burned our accumulated rubbish and I read, did the regular food prep for tomorrow and washed the great pile of dirty clothes we are carting around. A much needed rest day well used. The camp site is in an old burn by the lake and it would have been beautiful parkland once but was now covered with low growing alders, bare sand, some grass and burnt trees, still a flat place for the tent so no complaints.

Black Spruce regenerating in our burnt campsite at Harry Lake

Very old Imperial Oil gallon’Marvelube’ oil can with built-in no drip spout