Windbound Narrow Island
Distance: 4km – [cumulative total 163 km ]
InReach: Day 6 On the water 0830 paddling into increasingly impossible head wind Sat in sheltered cove all day Now back Day 5 camp Paddled 4 Made good 0km
Camp: 62.245°N 112.085°W
A very, very frustrating day! During the night a strong wind blew up with waves crashing against the shore. Up at 6am and despite strong headwinds we placed our faith in the forecast for lessening winds and set off towards the exit from the Hearn Channel. After a hard paddle against headwinds, large waves and white caps we pulled in behind a headland to shelter and wait for better conditions, we had only done about two kilometres and it had taken almost an hour. There was nowhere to land the canoe, the shoreline was steep and rocky or with dense vegetation of spruce, alders, poplar and birch however we found a sheltered cove and we waited and waited. We whiled away the time dozing or talking about family, how we are influenced by our family of origin, wills, the design of our future house etc. We waited until 4pm by which time we decided to return to last nights camp site, a very disappointing and frustrating day.
The only good thing from all that waiting was whilst sheltering we had an excellent view of a large, healthy looking beaver who was swimming not far from us yet was apparently unconcerned. It was the best view of a beaver I have had over the six wilderness trips we have done. The wind died slightly after we got back to camp however it would still have been a headwind and hard paddling so no gain and only four kilometres paddled for the day. Bah Humbug !!! John was really upset as he has a distance in time goal in his head and somehow has convinced himself that headwinds are unusual which certainly hasn’t been our prior experience – memory is certainly selective.

Amazing where you can sleep when you have no other choice, we should have just cut our losses and set up camp!