Grove Rapids to Caribou Rapids via Hanbury Lake Distance: 5km, portage 1 – [cumulative total 721.5 km] InReach: Day 39 Completed 2km Grove Rapids portage Paddled across Hanbury Lk & camped at top Caribou Rapids which we will tackle tomorrow…
Day 38
Hanbury River – R4 Rapids to Grove Rapids Distance: 21km, Portage 1, Lining 1, Rapids 2 – [cumulative total 716.5 km] InReach: Day 38 Did two sets rapids, ran one Second needed lining & short portage Paddled Lac du Bois…
Day 37
Sifton Lake to Island Above R4 Rapids Hanbury River Distance: 35km, Lining 1, Rapids 2 – [cumulative total 695.5 km] InReach: Day 37 Paddled under leaden skies with occasional rain Ran two rapids, 35km Camped on small tundra island in…
Day 36
Windbound Sifton Lake Distance: 0.0km, another forced rest day for wind – [cumulative total 660.5 km] InReach: Day 36 Gale force N wind all day Wind & waves too dangerous so reluctantly stayed put Went esker walking Hopefully can paddle…
Day 35
Hanbury Portage to Esker in Sifton Lake Distance: 45.5 km, rapids 2 – [cumulative total 660.5 km] InReach: Day 35 Woke to rain & paddled in rain & it’s still raining! Camped in beautiful gravel terrace, part of spectacular complex…
Day 34
Ptarmigan Lake to Deville Lake via Hanbury Portage Distance: 17 km, portages 3 and lining 1 – [cumulative total 615 km] InReach: Day 34 Due ice & wind delays Back R now not possible Today took portage to Deville Lk…
Day 33
Lockhart River to Ptarmigan Lake Distance: 30km, portages 2 and lining 4 – [cumulative total 598km] InReach: Day 33 Paddling by 06:45 Two portage + much lining up rapids Reached Ptarmigan Lk 14:00, paddled until 18:30 Camped on small beach…
Day 32
Distance: 0.0km, another wind day – [cumulative total 568km] InReach: Day 32 Very strong NE winds so still camped on Lockhart R. Kate read her Kindle John caught nice pan sized trout Wind expected to drop tomorrow Camp: 63.457°N 107.555°W…
Day 31
Lockhart River Distance: 0.0km, wind day – [cumulative total 568km] InReach: Day 31 Strong NE wind & rain so have not moved. Went walking on the tundra during break in the rain – beautiful! Strong wind = NO bugs! All…
Day 30
Artillery Lake to Esker in Lockhart River Distance: 38km Lining 2.0 – [cumulative total 568km] InReach: Day 30 Paddling by 06:15 to beat forcast headwind but still windbound part day Made it into Lockhart River where we are now camped…