Distance: 0.0km, another wind day – [cumulative total 568km]
InReach: Day 32 Very strong NE winds so still camped on Lockhart R. Kate read her Kindle John caught nice pan sized trout Wind expected to drop tomorrow
Camp: 63.457°N 107.555°W
A bitterly cold wind greeted us on waking so yet another day of enforced rest. I spent the day reading “Burial Rites” by Hanna Kent. John was far more productive, in addition to a long walk on the tundra he decided to try fishing at a bend above us where the water was deeper and clearer. His first few casts were fodder for the classic one that got away story. Firstly a very large northern pike got away as he was about to pull it ashore, several casts later the same thing happened with a good sized trout. He kept fishing for almost a hour with no further luck and I arrived to see how things were going just as he decided to move down the beach. Only a couple of casts in the new spot and he hooked a huge fish that broke the leader taking the lure hook and all. Frustration levels were rising however the very next cast he caught a pan sized trout, our first fish for the trip. It made a delicious meal with cous-cous.
The forecast was for the wind to moderate overnight so we have our fingers crossed for an early start tomorrow and hopefully get through the two portages on the Lockhart River and up Ptarmigan Lake.

Our first fish of the trip, a beautiful pan sized trout