Esker Camp, Dubawnt Canyon Portage - Grant Lake at Dubawnt Canyon
Distance 2 km [786km]
Portage 1 [16]
Very Fast Water 0 [30]
Rapids 0 [28]
We woke to a cold, windy morning. The forecast was for 50 kph winds so it was obvious that there would be no paddling.
After breakfast we decided to pack up and move down to where we might be able to put in tomorrow. It was a good day for portaging as it was cool and the wind meant no insects, also the walking was much better than the first part of the portage. We were still feeling fine when we reached the point we had planned to camp so we pushed on to Grant Lake which would put us well passed the boulder garden tomorrow.
We were concerned as to how to move the canoe in the high wind conditions. It would be impossible for John to carry it on his shoulders as he usually did so we both hitched ourselves to the front of it like a pair of cart horses and pulled it through the moss, willows etc. It travelled surprisingly well and with some baggage in it the weight overcame the wind problem. We were able to complete the portage in five trips rather than the usual seven. We are now camped above Grant Lake, The day only resulted in a positive gain of two kilometres but will be worth the effort if we can get directly onto Grant Lake tomorrow.

Camp high above Grant Lake at the end of the 4km Dubawnt Canyon portage

Red caribou