'Nunavut Island' Dubawnt Lake
Third stationary day due to weather
Distance 0 km [642km]
Portage 0 [14]
Very Fast Water 0 [30]
Rapids 0 [24]
The wind raged all night but our tent passed the test of remaining warm and dry despite the conditions. The weather bot was predicting rain and winds up to 50 kph and the bay in front of our tent was covered with high white caps, so another day of forced rest and recreation. Had breakfast in the tent then lay in our sleeping bags listening to Radio Australia for much of the morning whilst the tempest raged around us. The afternoon was much like yesterday, John finished the Tyrrell journal whilst I read this journal. I am amazed at how much I had forgotten. Mid-afternoon I organised tomorrow’s meals whilst John waded into the freezing water to fish. He caught two smallish trout which together should be enough for tonight’s dinner and breakfast tomorrow. John also made several trips to the top of the island and he reports that the ice appears to be candling and there is more open water. We sent a birthday message to Shona. Gosh, 37! Where did those years go?

View from the ‘Big Island’ south towards our tent on a smaller island (just visible as a small red dot)

Patterned lichens and dwarf Labrador Tea in flower on the Big Island
We dined on another great meal of trout and have enough left to cook it up with the left over potato mash in the morning. After we ate I did the dishes and other kitchen duties whilst John took the canoe and crossed to the main island to climb the hill and check the ice conditions for tomorrow. The wind has moderated and the sky certainly looks promising, there are big breaks in the clouds and even some weak sunshine. While climbing the hill he saw a large Arctic hare. Unfortunately he couldn’t really see if the ice was gone beyond Snow Island just north of our current position. We need to get going in the morning or I think we will both go stir crazy.