Hinde Lake - Esker At Entrance To Boyd Lake
Distance 31km [361 km]
Portage 0 [12]
Very Fast Water 6 [17]
Rapids 3 [8]
We woke up at 7am to cloudy skies and even a few drops of rain while we packed up camp. Before leaving we checked out the old trapper’s cabin high on the esker. It had been deserted for many years and though a simple building it was not as primitive as the one on Wholdaia Lake. Unfortunately the cloud cover dissipated and it got hot yet again. Still we enjoyed paddling in the river with the current going our way and we made good distance towards Boyd Lake. We did not have as much white water as yesterday however we paddled six sections of very fast water of the boulder and gravel type that required care in navigating but were easily run. There were then three Class 2/ 2+ rapids with high waves and much boulder dodging, two also had ledges, one we avoided and one which surprised us however we ran it successfully.

Old trap cabin high on the esker above Hinde Lake

Some of the glass windows were still intact, probably transported in from Stony Rapids by canoe or dog sled
Our camp for tonight is high on an esker just before entering Boyd Lake. It was a bit of a climb with the gear but being on top of the ridge we have great views up and down the river on both sides. One of the special moments of today was seeing a young female Moose standing in deep water, apparently seeking relief from the intense swarms of black flies. I know how she felt! We paddled close to her before she made for the shore and back into the bush.

Young cow moose shaking off the water as she got out of the river, she didn’t seem too perturbed at us getting close and disturbing her swim

Hot lunch in the canoe to avoid the bugs, about 10km above Boyd Lake
We had another delicious fish dinner. After unsuccessfully fishing from the canoe for about 45 minutes we returned to camp and John decided to try his luck from the shore; first cast and he caught a nice sized northern pike. We did a much improved job of cleaning, filleting etc. We tried out my fish coating mix and the result was great. The black flies this evening are intense, we felt under siege whilst washing in the river and despite the heat we were in the tent seeking relief by 8.30pm.

Camp high on the esker 1.5km above Boyd Lake

Northern Pike for dinner

Evening clouds looking down the Dubawnt River towards Boyd Lake