R & R On Small Island, Reindeer Lake
Distance 0 km [387.5 km]
I woke as always about 6am and luxuriated in being able to stay in the tent reading till 8am. Loving my Kindle. Got up and did the mountain of washing we have accumulated, mostly mine. Prepared a leisurely breakfast and woke John about 9.15am. Spent a very restful day wandering around the island, reading and catching up on many small jobs. Re-read trip notes and previous accounts for the Swan River and the land crossing into Wollaston Lake, decanted stove fuel, sorted food drums, organised frames for the spray covers, trimmed my shoe laces, had a good wash including hair and generally relaxed.
It remained over cast all day but no rain until about 7.30pm by which time we had brought in the washing, packed up the kitchen and were ready to repair to the tent. It was a good days rest in a beautiful spot and it feels good to have clean clothes and body. I have loved the time spent of Reindeer Lake, granted we have been lucky with the conditions but it is truly beautiful with its crystal clear water, glorious islands, wide open spaces, clean rock ledges, sandy beaches and Jack Pine and Spruce shorelines.

Flat rocks double as both the kitchen and the laundry

Hanging out the laundry

Rest days are wonderful because you can luxuriate with endless cups of coffee