Milton Island - Allen Island, Reindeer Lake
Distance 41.5 km [364.5 km]
Midsummer -Longest Day
Woke at 6am to another beautiful day, best of all no wind. We were on the water before 8am, blue sky, warm sun and masses of cirrus clouds – does this mean rain tomorrow ? Made great time and it was just as well for the glassy conditions as we did one stretch of about 10km while 1.5 km off shore. Despite being so far off shore we were in a cloud of tiny insects which seem to be a feature of Reindeer Lake, they don’t bite but buzz around and tickle you. Boat traffic getting less, heard one boat in the distance during the morning and saw a boat of fisher persons after lunch.

Ubiquitous black spruce reflected in crystal clear water

Rest stop, well off shore in millpond conditions

Shore lunch on small island NW of Amiskit Island, Reindeer Lake
After lunch paddling became more picturesque as we were travelling through well spaced islands. Again we saw little wildlife just a pair of eagles. So unusual is it to see a non motorised boat that just before we stopped for the day we met a Cree man who from a distance had assumed we were a moose swimming in the lake. About 4pm John was all for stopping but I hated the camp site he was suggesting and insisted we continue on for a further couple of kilometres. Fortunately we found a beach, covered in moose prints but with a large flat area for the tent – thank heavens or I would have been in the poo. In bed by 9pm.

Camp on sandspit, SW corner of Allen Island, Reindeer Lake

A very short and very cold swim at the end of a perfect day